
We Interrupt This Program…

Filed under: — Anastasia @ 3:40 pm

Part Two is coming, but right now I’m FREAKING OUT with nervousness over tomorrow’s pool tryouts.  The ADP students are competing for some awards, including a scholarship to the LA County instructor class, and part of that involves a set of pool skills, including:

  • timed swim (no problem)
  • Skin DNR – you remember, that thing where you leave your snorkel gear on the bottom of the pool, then put it back on?  Only this time, there’s a 30 ft underwater swim after you drop it, and a 30 ft swim back to put it on.  No fins, since you’ve left them in a pile.  This one has me worred.
  • Bailout.  This is the one where you jump in holding onto all your scuba gear (with the air turned off), and put it all on at the bottom of the pool.  Then you swim 50 yards perfectly neutral, not touching the top or bottom of the pool – tricky since 25 yards of that is in approximately 3 feet of water.
  • Surface snorkel in full ocean gear.  300 yards (I think), and at some point you’re given a 10lb weight belt to carry.  Not too worried about it, but it’ll be uncomfortable.

Wish me luck!

1 Comment

  1. Wow, good luck! Since I believe people are about 3 feet thick with scuba gear on, that part of the bailout section sounds especially hairy. But you can do it! That would be awesome if you won a scholarship for the instructor class…

    Comment by Mir — 10/15/2006 @ 11:51 am

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