

Filed under: — Anastasia @ 7:53 am

They always know how to find me.

Last week, while I was workout out on the elliptical machine in the gym, I felt something tickle my upper arm.  Figuring it was just a stray hair, I batted at it with my other hand – and came away with a spider dangling from a string of web.  I guess it dropped down from the ceiling.  I just about killed myself falling off the machine as I flung and scraped and shook it off.

This morning, I sat down at my desk and pulled the keyboard closer (it tends to slowly migrate further in on the desk during the day).  And a chunky-looking spider came RACING TOWARDS ME from under the keyboard.  I let out a shriek that could be heard through all of IPAC, and scootched back in my chair so hard I wedged it under the lip of the desk behind me.  It was early enough, however, that none of my usual spider-killers were anywhere to be found.  Luckily, I was rescued by Martin the custodian, who no doubt now thinks I am a crazy person.

And now the underside of my keyboard is all cobwebby.  Gross.


  1. Sorry I wasn’t there to rescue you. Though I’m chuckling at the image of you battling with a spider and getting flung off the treadmill.

    Comment by Jeff — 4/10/2006 @ 5:06 pm

  2. Eww … yuck! :P We’ve got spiders crawling up the walls here, too.

    Comment by Kathy Brantley — 4/10/2006 @ 8:48 pm

  3. I read this, then come to work this morning and dangling in front of my nose at the front desk… a spider. At least it’s not a confirmed coast to coast problem.

    Becca :-)

    Comment by Becca — 4/11/2006 @ 6:31 am

  4. Gross gross gross gross. Part of our wedding vows were that Dan would always kill spiders for me (kidding, but only just). I scream like a banshee if I see even a teeny tiny little spider, they’re scary, have you ever seen one under a microscope? Totally freaky.

    Comment by Sam — 4/11/2006 @ 9:56 am

  5. Ooooh, I like spiders. They kill the annoying bugs. In So Cal, we had a designated plastic cup to scoop up the spiders and release them outside (to hunt in our yard). But now, for half the year, I think they might die if I released them outside into sub-freezing temps – so I let them roam the house :)

    Comment by Jen Yu — 4/11/2006 @ 11:46 am

  6. ROTFLMAO……I’m sorry to be the only one who finds this funny….perhaps because we have shrieked at many a bug together! Are you now jumping at shadows and things you see out of the corner of your eye like it is some huge hairy spider just lurking to catch you unawares???

    Comment by Cookie — 4/13/2006 @ 5:21 am

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