
Didn’t go as expected

Filed under: — Anastasia @ 6:10 pm

I was in the first batch of people summoned to a courtroom for jury selection. At the end of the day, I was the final juror accepted into the panel.

I’ll be going back every day for most of the next three weeks, with occasional days/afternoons off (there are two defendents and two juries, so we don’t have to all be there for every part of the trial). The court also observes a bunch of extra holidays, Feb 13, 17 and 20, so I can squeeze in a few days of work to accomplish truly crucial tasks.

On the up side: it’s bound to be an interesting case, the judge is personable and my fellow jurors seem likable and easy to deal with.

Down side: THREE WEEKS. And “I have a business trip planned to Hawaii” in no way counts as a financial hardship as far as this judge is concerned (I didn’t even try after I saw him shoot down the third person who had an “important conference” to go speak at).

Further down side: Just when I was back to working out at the gym every day, I got sick and now this. Rrrr.

Obviously I can’t really talk about the case, so I don’t imagine there’ll be much going on here in my blog for a few weeks (oh wait, I lied; I’m also diving twice and traveling to Columbia during this period). Expect a rundown of the experience once it’s over and I’m allowed to talk.


  1. Yuck. Sorry.

    Comment by Sarah — 2/1/2006 @ 11:33 pm

  2. oy – that’s a long time.

    once you serve, are you done forever, for 7 years, for 1 year…?

    Comment by Jen Yu — 2/2/2006 @ 11:31 pm

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