
Christmas is over already??

Filed under: — Anastasia @ 9:28 pm

It’s amazing to me how quickly December zips by each year. I swear, it feels like we just did Thanksgiving, and now New Year’s is already upon us. Craziness.

We’ve packed the month with our usual Christmas shennanigans, including the annual Laity party. And yes, we do celebrate “Christmas” here, not “the holidays” – I’m a total heathen who just happens to love the secular aspects of Christmas and doesn’t mind that it also happens to be named after a religious figure.

Sadly, I have yet to manage any decent pictures of our apartment decorations, but we did come away with a pretty nice picture of the two of us by our tree (that’s a snorkeling Santa on top in place of a star):

My frantic party preparations included a lot of baking; about three times as much baking as the turnout really warranted, I would say. Luckily, my officemates were more than happy to help polish off the leftover cookies at work.

I’ve also created a webpage with all my Christmas Recipes, which currently just includes cookies (with pictures!) and cornstarch ornaments.

We spent four days in Phoenix for Christmas with Jeff’s family, during which time I also finished editing some more underwater videos. So some of you can expect a DVD in the mail early next month. Don’t worry; it’s short!

In other news, Jeff’s bookshelves are still beautiful. Seriously, I have to restrain myself from licking them every time I walk into the room. I hope he hurries up and builds the boring desk soon, so we can get to the fun project: the coffee table with Catalina tile insets. Oooooohhhhh.


  1. you go girl! you so crack me up. kudos on your recipes too. i’m all for the posting of recipes :) happy whatzamajingle!

    Comment by Jen Yu — 12/28/2005 @ 10:37 pm

  2. Where’s the photo for salt dough ornaments?

    We’re a bit out of focus in that picture, in more ways than one.

    Comment by Jeff — 12/29/2005 @ 10:17 am

  3. You want to LICK furniture? What kind of weird kinky stuff is going on out there in CA? I can’t believe Christmas is over either. As for the Christmas/holidays debate…why can’t people just leave others alone? If I wanna call it “Jingleballs Christmas Holidays” -why should anyone else care???

    Comment by Cookie — 1/3/2006 @ 6:01 pm

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