

Filed under: — Anastasia @ 2:42 pm

I will never use a chat client while in a meeting, EVER AGAIN.

I use Trillian, which just shows text like this:

alaity47: Boo
jlaity88: boo back

Jeff has his set up all fancy, however, with icons and speech bubbles and whatnot.

One particular exchange, made during a meeting after I’d devoured an ungodly amount of cookies, made me chortle aloud when I should have been paying attention to the meeting instead, but we managed to continue on. Then Jeff sent me a picture of what the exchange looked like to him, and I completely lost it. The two people I was meeting with both insisted on seeing what was making me crack up so hard, and my public humiliation was complete.

1 Comment

  1. ROTFLMAO………I love the talking fish. I have managed to avoid eating to many cookies this year…..but I did just have almost a whole forest of cake trees dribbled with chocolate……

    Comment by Cookie — 12/22/2005 @ 4:56 pm

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