
THIS big

Filed under: — Anastasia @ 8:34 pm

Alas, I had neither Jeff’s camera nor Jeff’s photographic skills on my last trip to Hawaii, and so this is the best I can do:

It’s hard to tell since the fish swimming with the shark are also enormous, but that’s a 14′ long tiger shark. (And pretty darned wide, too!)

Here’s another one; sharkie taking a gulp of something near the bottom of the ocean:

She was not a small shark. She didn’t get closer than about 25 feet (if that), which is another reason I got such lousy shots. In the short time she was remotely within video distance, the autofocus on my camera had a hard time getting a lock on her not-too-contrasty figure. Hopefully it’ll look marginally cooler edited into video and shown on a TV screen (where the low resolution isn’t as obvious). Maybe next time I see a shark the size of Jaws, Jeff will be there to get a real photo and really scare the pants off our moms.


  1. Wow. I would have used up all my air hyperventilating if I had seen that big momma! A TIGER shark?!?

    As for the protected blog, I give it an “aye” as long as I get to be on the list and see your cool scuba photos.

    Comment by Sam — 8/22/2005 @ 12:20 am

  2. gasp! that is so amazing. it’s better than those yeti pictures, so i don’t think you should be disappointed :)

    Comment by Jen Yu — 8/22/2005 @ 8:15 am

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