
Daddy Update 1

Filed under: — Anastasia @ 5:40 pm

Not much to report yet – still waiting on the first call from his doctors with an evaluation. Mom was told today he’d be in there at least 5-7 days, though, which means….

Christmas with the Crazies!*

Yes, we will most likely be celebrating Christmas in the psych ward. I actually feel like this suits the Clower family rather well, and am sort of looking forward to it. I hope to be allowed to take pictures.

The down side is that there are very few visiting hours during the day (a total of 3, I believe, non-contiguous). I’ve decided to extend my visit through Friday the 29th to maximize my Daddy-time. Thanks to our new Caltech president, who’s French and appreciates vacation time, we now have that entire week off, so it was a pretty easy decision.

*Not in any way meant to be derogatory. After all, almost everyone in our family can be labeled a Crazy in one way or another (or several ways).


  1. If you guys need anything while you’re here, don’t hesitate to call me! We will be in town all weekend.

    Comment by Becca — 12/21/2006 @ 3:50 am

  2. Ditto here – if you need anything in Pasadena, let me know.

    Thanks for SLIK on Thursday – I’m glad to hear that your dad may be home for Christmas. Please if it’s not too much trouble, keep us updated. We’re thinking about you and send you and your family all our best wishes.

    Comment by Sam — 12/23/2006 @ 3:49 pm

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