Not so great news
I’m pretty sure the whole family has gotten word of this already, via phone calls or email, so I think it’s safe to go ahead and post. This morning my dad had to be checked into the psych ward at the local hospital (he agreed to go, though not at first). He’s been having some serious mania for the last few weeks; sort of a repeat of something he went through this summer, but much worse this time. Today it reached the point where Mom (and a friend of hers) needed to take him in for evaluation, and the doctors’ recommendation was that he be admitted immediately.
Hopefully they’ll get him on the right drugs in a day or two and his brain will return to normal (or, as normal as it ever was). We’re flying out this weekend for Christmas, by which time I hope he’s back at home.
I’ll post news when I get it, unless I’m asked not to (this blog isn’t widely-read, but if it bothers anyone that I’m discussing family health issues on-line I will, of course, desist).
Good luck there and keep us posted (if not by blog, certainly by email).
Comment by Jen Yu — 12/18/2006 @ 11:07 pm