

Filed under: — Anastasia @ 11:02 am

Well, fuck.

This weekend (Fri-Sun) we’re supposed to be on a boat to San Miguel with a bunch of California photography nerds.

But look:



In other news, I’ve been noticing a disturbing pattern on the roads the last few days. On my way to work Friday, I wound up behind someone who was noticeably weaving on the freeway, and also appeared quite confused about the use of his/her blinkers. There were several near misses as people hurried to pass and get out of his way. Today on my way in, I was behind ANOTHER weaver on the freeway. Then on surface streets, someone ran a red light right in front of me (luckily I was going slow enough to avoid a head-on collision). Leaning on my horn didn’t even get the driver to glance my way.

I wonder what traffic nightmares await me tomorrow? It’s like the Twelve Days of Evil Christmas.

1 Comment

  1. We survived, yay! And lest anyone think the swell forecast was wrong, one of my surfer friends was out this weekend and said that the forecast was right on and a couple of surf spots were blown out with double-overhead surf. We had a good capt, who found sheltered spots!

    Comment by Carol — 12/11/2006 @ 5:28 pm

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