One to Go
Here’s the Clower family with our cats, in December 1998:
In the last couple of years, Alexandra (top left) and Fluffy (bottom right) both succumbed to kidney failure and had to be put down. Skeeve (bottom left – with Daddy) and Lasky (with me), who were sisters, were still left. Lasky’s the sweetheart of the bunch, though not into spending much time on laps. Skeeve loves laps, but she also loves to turn on you when you least expect it, so cuddling her can be a little risky. Skeeve was Katie’s; Lasky was mine.
It’s hard to think of the two “little cats,” the last ones we got, as old – but they’re about 16 now.
Last week, Mom told me Lasky started acting like an old cat; walking slowly, losing weight. On Saturday she seemed to be in pain whenever she was touched. Saturday night, Mom got the humane society to stay open late so she could be euthanized.
I haven’t actually lived around my cats for ten years, but I’ll still miss her.
those are some cute kitties.
sorry about lasky. at least she didn’t suffer too much and it looks like she had a good kitty life.
Comment by Jen Yu — 5/30/2006 @ 1:57 pm
Wow, very hard to believe the Clower household with only one kitty. Strangely enough, I too have lived without cats for about 8 years. My hubby’s allergic. All of the ones we had that you would have known are gone now too. :-( Aldor was the last, with heart failure.
Comment by Becca — 5/30/2006 @ 2:13 pm