
A Peek Inside my Marriage

Filed under: — Anastasia @ 8:17 am

Questions on my mind these days:

  • What have I forgotten to buy for our Hawaii trip next week?
  • Can I fit the tripod into a dive bag so it doesn’t take up space in a suitcase?
  • Can we possibly squeeze all our clothes and extra stuff into a carry-on bag, so I can check my video housing instead of lugging it through security and being forced to disassemble it?
  • How are we going to have any space to carry new things home with us? (Even if we win nothing, there are lots of random goodies given away during the week)
  • Why isn’t Jeff concerned with how the hell we’re going to manage to pack 2 sets of dive gear, 2 pelican cases with camera housings, 2 laptop bags, 2 cameras, a tripod, the extra pelican with his macro lens, and all our clothes and sundries?

Questions on Jeff’s mind:

  • Why is Anna freaking out about all this stuff when we don’t have to pack until Friday night?


  1. Hmmm. When are you leaving?

    Comment by Sarah — 5/8/2006 @ 10:51 am

  2. Oooh! You guys are going back for the Kona Classic, yes?! I hope you both win lots of prizes and take great shots. Clothes?! It’s Hawai’i, just 1 pair of shorts and 1 shirt and some sandals…

    Comment by Jen Yu — 5/8/2006 @ 11:44 am

  3. Aaaahahaha…. that’s a peek inside my marriage too, except for Dan it would be:
    *Why is Sam freaking out about all this stuff when we don’t have to pack until 1 hour before the plane leaves?
    What can I say… my hubby’s got a lot of strengths, but being on time isn’t one of them :)

    Comment by Sam — 5/8/2006 @ 2:01 pm

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