

Filed under: — Anastasia @ 11:47 am

My father, the incomparable Robert Clower, only made it FIVE WEEKS into being an octagenerian before doing possibly the only cliche thing ever in his life: he broke his hip!

Luckily, it was just a minor fracture of a tiny piece of bone, easily replaced in a simple surgery. He’s apparently happy as a lark in his hospital room, chatting up the nurses and making friends as usual. Mom says no one will believe her that he just had hip surgery – and in fact he should be able to walk within a couple of days.

I guess this could have been a serious health scare, but I have to admit I’m more amused than concerned. It’s just so unlike Daddy to be predictable (turn 80: break a hip). And so funny to hear Mom describing his cheerful in-hospital demeanor.

In other family news, Jeff and I spent the weekend in Tampa for Tammy’s senior recital – the only time we’ve actually gotten to see her perform! She pulled off a great mostly one-woman show, with about 10 songs from various musicals and 2 dance pieces that she choreographed; impressive work, and it must have been intimidating to perform with your entire family sitting 5 feet from the stage with cameras!

Of course, we picked an unusually cold weekend to visit Tampa, so we didn’t get to take advantage of the beach. We did, however, take advantage of the BUCKETS of Long Island iced teas that are available at the bars along the waterfront. University of Tampa kids know how to celebrate in style!


  1. I hope your pa is okay and recovers quickly. Sounds like he is doing well. Good positive attitude. Now I know where you get it from :)

    Comment by Jen Yu — 3/27/2006 @ 1:08 pm

  2. It’s good to hear your dad hasn’t changed one bit. I hope that he is doing well and recovers quickly. If they need help, don’t hesitate to drop me a line! :-)

    Comment by Becca — 3/27/2006 @ 3:23 pm

  3. Please tell your dad to get better soon! I’ll be thinking of him from Colorado! :)

    Comment by Kathy Brantley — 3/27/2006 @ 4:12 pm

  4. I hope he comes home soon and that your mom is doing okay, too!

    Comment by Sarah — 3/28/2006 @ 3:36 pm

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